Self-CAN: Structured P2P with Self-* Properties

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Self-CAN is a P2P system that inherits the ability of CAN-like structured systems for the construction and maintenance of an overlay of peers, but features enhanced functionalities deriving from ant-inspired algorithms, such as autonomy behavior, self-organization and capacity to adapt to a changing environment. As opposed to the structured P2P systems deployed so far, resource indexing and placement is uncorrelated with network structure and topology, and resource keys are organized and managed by self-organizing mobile agents through simple local operations driven by probabilistic choices.

This site gives a quick introduction to Self-CAN and offers a Self-CAN simulator.

Some questions...

1) Can Structured P2P Systems be Self-Organizing?
2) How are self-organizing properties obtained in Self-CAN?

3) What are the benefits vs. classical structured systems like CAN?

Essentially three:

The Self-CAN simulator is available here.

Also, a Self-CAN prototype is available here.